Dogs Unknown
River/Creek · Swimming
Did this in December, took the clockwise route as suggested. There were 10-12 stream crossings that were very challenging. A few of them can be navigated just staying on dry portions of rock, but most had rocks that were just too far apart to take a step. Solutions include bushwacking off the trail to find a better spot to cross, carefully making your way across fallen logs, or just take off your shoes and trudging through the ice cold water.
Aside from the initial stream crossings, the trail is not very challenging beyond Devil's Bathtub. There is a sign saying something like "Warning: next 5 miles very strenuous and rugged", but it was a relatively easy run through the woods compared to the first part of the trail. First 2-3 miles took 3 hours to hike, remaining 5 miles took 2.5 hours hike.
Overall it was a lot of fun; navigating the stream crossings added an element of challenge and decision-making.
Shared By:
Kevin Heimbrook