Dogs Unknown
La Garita Creek Trail begins at the end of County Road E39. From there the trail heads upstream, following La Garita Creek closely as singletrack. There are small bluffs along the way showing layer upon layer of varying volcanic ash and lava flows from the ancient La Garita super volcano that erupted 28 million years ago - one of the largest in earth's history. A little over 1 mile from the trailhead, the La Garita Stock Driveway Trail (FS 787) heads uphill to the right along Little La Garita Creek. This is an old, high elevation stock drive route the follows the ridge line across the San Juans for 92 miles, but intersects near La Garita Creek Trail via FS 673 again at Boot Mountain after about 10 miles.
After about 5 miles, the La Garita Creek Trail singletrack intersects a very rugged doubletrack at private property and continues as two track. Turn right and climb steeply then left after about 0.2 miles to stay on La Garita Trail and skirt the in-holding. After about 2 miles, the trail descends back to the creek.
The trail continues through riparian meadows and open forests up the creek until it nears Boot Mountain, where it begins a steep, rugged climb out of the valley. It then intersects Cave Creek Trail (FS 673) part way up the valley wall. Turning right takes you to the base of Boot Mountain at the La Garita Stock Driveway, right quickly leads to the end of FS 673.
Shared By:
jeff parker