Dogs Off-leash
Birding · River/Creek · Wildlife
A good run for a hot summer day, the Sauerkraut Trail follows the path of Sauerkraut Creek through dense forest up to an old mining road. This short run takes off from Forest Service Road 1892 up a relatively steep incline. This part of the forest is ideal animal habitat, so don't be surprised if you startle an elk or deer from its hiding spot while running. The trail climbs steadily for the entirety of the run, and can be steep in spots, so take care to watch your footing. About three quarters of the way up, the trail cuts across the creek itself, before weaving away from the stream and ending at a junction with the road at the top. For a longer run, follow the road south to the junction with the Ogden Mountain trail, a relatively flat trail with beautiful vistas of the Helmville Valley.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From Lincoln take MT-200 to Dalton Mountain Road, approximately 3 miles. Turn left and follow the road for 5.8 miles to Moose Creek Road/FS Road 1892. Turn right and continue for 5 miles. A sign on the lefthand side of the road denotes the trailhead, and there is a small amount of parking on the righthand side of the road just before it.
Shared By:
Paige Havener