Dogs Unknown
Fire hazard closures in summer.
High water on the Gardon can inundate the path along the river, making it impassible.
Need to Know
Grotte de la Baume is closed to support protected bats during their vulnerable hibernation and reproduction periods between Nov 15-March 15, and May 1-August 15 (you can still visit the Hermitage and mills).
This route can be used to pass through Les Gorges du Gardon Natural Area to reach the Chapelle Ermitage St. Vérédème, Grotte de la Baume, Moulin de la Resclause (Resclause mill ruins) and Moulin de la Barque renversée (upside-down boat mill ruins), and lovely bedrock and sandy beaches along the river Gardon.
It is more scenic, though more difficult and longer in time and distance, to
run in from Collias along the river.
Run due south from Sanilhac-Sagriès to the edge of the farm fields. Stay on this track as it bends west, past a left and two immediate rights, then stay on this fire road as it arcs left. Continue to an intersection with the Grande Randonnée 6: Ners to Aureille. Cross this trail and continue south, passing through switchbacks as you descend to the river. Once at the shoreline, follow the river downstream (left) until you see the mill ruins on both sides of the river. The
hermitage chapel and cave are on the cliffs above you.
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F Felix