Dogs Unknown
Birding · Lake · River/Creek · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
There isn't any public access to this trail from the south side.
Runner Notes
Jogging isn't permitted in this area.
This trail starts from the parking area, near an informational kiosk. It runs past some open field views, then to the junction with the
Wildlife Observation Spur. It turns right at
Wolf Pine Trail, then runs along a land bridge through the meadow. It re-enters the woods, then passes by the other spur of
Wolf Pine Trail. It runs a bit further, and appears to end at Sackett
*While the map shows the trail continuing past the brook, there's no point in fording the stream just to turn back and ford it again.
Flora & Fauna
Flora: Loosestrife, Water Mint, Joe-Pye Weed, Helianthus sp., Euonymus sp.
Fauna: Beaver, Egrets, Catbird, Robber Fly.
Shared By:
David Smith