Dogs No Dogs
Birding · River/Creek · Wildflowers
Need to Know
Parking is free. There are brand-new bathrooms built at the parking area. There is a small pavilion to sit in the shade.
Runner Notes
As a hidden gem, you won't come across many folks on your run -- at least until the word gets out and more trails are established!
The hidden gem of Coweta County, Brown's Mill Battlefield, plays host to some great trails and trails to come. The Blue Trail is currently the longest marked trail on the property, with some overlaps with the Brown's Mill Battlefield
Red Trail
The trail moving counter-clockwise begins with a quick downhill of some finely crushed stone. You'll quickly come across some wooden steps and decking, bringing you down to lower portion of the trail where it widens to more of a doubletrack. During the first mile, you'll encounter a lot of shade while approaching Kiwanis Pond.
After passing the pond, you'll start your uphill climb, with a couple short moderate climbs.You'll continue to have a decent canopy overhead until you reach the southern tip of the trail. Then you'll begin making the longer climb on the route along more of a 'fire road.' It's here where you'll begin to be exposed to the elements a little more. As you reach the peak of the climb, you'll make a left turn onto the finely crushed stone surface again, returning you to where you started.
Shared By:
Brent Snodgrass