Dogs No Dogs
Birding · River/Creek · Views
This short run along Salt Creek takes runners through one of the more unique areas of Death Valley National Park. With the surprising presence of water in the midst of the salt flats, this area looks positively lush compared to the rest of the basin.
Need to Know
The trailhead is located about 1.2 miles down a gravel road (passable by most sedans).
Runner Notes
Not an ideal trail run due to length, the boardwalk, and the fact that it can be busy with hikers.
This lollipop loop starts from a large, dirt parking area, and heads northwest between two low hillsides. The boardwalk is wide and well-maintained for the entirety of the run with several interpretive signs along the way explaining the area and the wildlife you may spot if you are lucky.
The boardwalk is open year round, however Salt Creek is typically only flowing from November through May, when the creek is fed by winter storms. There are standing pools of water the rest of the year, but the stream will mostly dry up in the summer and fall.
The best time to visit is during the spring (February - April) when the rare Salt Creek Pupfish are spawning. Interpretive signs along the way explain pupfish behavior, their adaptations, and how they relate to other pupfish around the Mojave Desert.
Flora & Fauna
If you happen to visit between February and April, you may get to see the
salt creek pupfish spawn. The marshy-like environment of the scrubby pickleweed and saltgrass is a good place to spot birds.
Shared By:
Kristen Arendt