Dogs No Dogs
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Need to Know
Lake Vista trail is most easily accessed by parking at the seasonal campground area. When the campground is closed, the access road is gated at the horse riding Day Camp; park there and follow the Yellow Loop to Lake Vista trail.
Locating the trail is easiest by running to the Lake Vista lookout and continuing up over the rocks carved with the names of posterity seekers. The trail is lightly maintained with a number of fallen trees but not hard to follow even when covered by leaves. The trail mostly follows a ridge top with a few minor ups and downs. The trail is marked on the Tree Lane end by a small cairn of rocks on the south side of the trail about 400-500 feet from the gate across Tree Lane.
Flora & Fauna
The usual Southern Indiana deep woods wildlife signs: coyote, deer, crows, blue jays, wood peckers. Oak dominated forest.
Shared By:
Raymond Wisman