Dogs Leashed
Birding · Wildlife
Park is open from sunrise to sunset.
This paved, multi-use loop is one of the most popular trails in Flatwoods Park. The wide, well-maintained path is easily accessible year-round, even in wet weather, making it a good option for days when the other natural-surface trails might not be the best option.
Need to Know
Water kiosks can be found every couple miles. This is a multi-use so be aware of cyclist who should be going counterclockwise.
Runner Notes
If you don't mind a paved path, this makes for a nice loop with reliable access and easy footing.
This popular loop can be accessed from a few different trailheads, but no matter where you start, you'll enjoy an easy cruise on a wide, paved path.
The trail heads through woods of hardwoods and palmettos. Certain sections have a sandy sidepath you can run on if you want a break from the pavement. The loop is not shaded, so keep this in mind in the warmer months, and bring plenty of water and sun protection.
Along the way, you'll have the option to hop on the
Flatwoods Wilderness Main Trail, a natural surface singletrack that bisects the Flatwoods Loop. You can use this path to add mileage or variety to your outing, just be prepared for some more sandy footing and no water once you get off the main loop.
Flora & Fauna
Keep an eye open for wild turkeys, deer, wild boar, armadillos, snakes and a variety of birds.
Shared By:
Kristen Arendt