High altitude running over a ski resort and into a remote mountain basin. You'll run old mining roads to steeep singletrack.
Runners will start and finish at Base of the Telluride Gondola located at W San Juan Ave Telluride, CO
Racers will exit the gondola park and head east on the river trail towards the end of the canyon for 2.5 miles. At the end of the canyon, runners will pass the historical mill site of Idarado. Runners will proceed up county road (CR648) for 2 miles. This is a 4x4 road with vehicular traffic.
At the top of this climb the runners will find themselves at the top of
Bridal Veil Falls, and the beginning of the Bridal Veil l/ Wasatch Trail (FS 508). There is a green gate at this junction. The 1st aid station will be located here. Pass through the gate and follow the abandoned 4x4 road for several miles till you reach Bridal Veil Creek. Cross the creek and stay right as the road splits here. The road climbs steeply at this point for a half mile.
As the road tempers and winds into the upper basin, continue for another 1.5 miles. At this point you leave the road and turn right on a singletrack trail. There will be a large post and flagging at this intersection. Travel east on the trail for approximately another mile. This trail will connect to Blixt road. This is another old 4x4 road. There will be another post and signage at this intersection. Turn left and follow the road for another mile.
At this point there will be another post and a faint trail on the right that lead to a saddle between two peaks. Climb up the trail to the saddle which is locally known as McCarron Junction. This will be the high point of the run, 13,000 ft. Runners will be able to see the Telluride Ski area in the distance. There will be several signs at this point. NOTE: Do not follow Blixt road to its highest point which is approximately a half mile past McCarron Junction. The pass is called Oscars pass and runners will be able to see the Town of Ophir to the southwest approximately 4500 ft below you.
If you get to this point by mistake, turn around and look for the saddle on your left. Once at McCarron Junction follow the singletrack trail west which is known as the Wasatch Trail (FS 508) down for several miles. Eventually you come to another junction with a post. This will be the East Fork (FS 513)/ Wasatch junction. Stay left and continue on the Wasatch Trail at this point and cross the creek. Follow the trail over a small knoll and cross another creek. At this point is the Wasatch Bypass(FS 508.1B) / Wasatch trail intersection. Bear left onto the Wasatch Bypass and climb up the back side of the Telluride Ski Area. This will be approximately 1200 ft climb out of Bear Creek to the ski area.
The Wasatch Bypass trail eventually connects to the
See Forever Trail (FS 415)on top Telluride Ski Area. This will be the second highest point on the course 12,200 ft. The second aid station is also located here, Mile 12 approximately. This trail is actually a service road for the ski area. Follow the road down the face of the mountain till it connects to
Telluride Trail, another service road.
Once on
Telluride Trail down for a half mile. At this point there is another junction, Camel Garden Trail (FS 630). This trail is a singletrack and is not very well marked so look for the flagging to exit off
Telluride Trail. Once on the Camel Garden Trail it is very well defined. Follow the trail back down to Bear Creek Road. Continue straight across the dirt road and onto a singletrack trail. Follow the town park trail into town park. Once in the park the finish line will be located at the oval where the run started.
Aid Stations: 2 total
Top of
Bridal Veil Falls. Mile 4 Elevation 10,800ft
Top of Ski Area . Mile 11/12Elevation 12,200 ft
Elevation gain: 5500 ft.