Dogs No Dogs
River/Creek · Wildlife
The trail is open whenever Wheeler Peak Road is open and you can access the Lehman Creek Campground areas.
Need to Know
Dogs nor bikes are allowed on the trail.
Runner Notes
The trail is relatively free of obstacles, so it is good for running between the two campgrounds. There are some rocky areas at the beginning of the trail that you need to be mindful of, but they should be easily overcome.
The Lower
Lehman Creek Trail connects the Lower Lehman Creek Campground with the Upper Lehman Creek Campground. The trail trail starts at the entrance of the Lower Campground area next to the water faucet and information board. The trail is a narrow, singletrack dirt trail that can be filled with rocks in certain places.
The trail meanders its way uphill never far from Wheeler Drive. Views of Doso Doyabi can be seen in front of you. You can hear Lehman Creek off to the left of the trail. At the end fo the trail, the trail crosses a small wooden bridge over Lehman Creek. The trail emerges at the entrance to the Upper Lehman Creek Campground.
This trail provides a great connector between the two campgrounds, and access to the Upper
Lehman Creek Trail that climbs toward the Wheeler Peak area.
Flora & Fauna
Wildflowers can be seen along the trail in the spring. Deer, turkeys, and a variety of songbirds can be seen along the trail.
Shared By:
David Hitchcock