Dogs Off-leash
Need to Know
Clinton, Arkansas is the nearest city (15 minute drive) with most all amenities. The property is leased for hunting so take the proper precautions during hunting season.
Yellowcheek is the easiest trail within the Bluffton Preserve Multi-Use Trail System and a great beginner run or ride. Users can loop back along Watergate Rd. for a super simple and easy 1.5-mile loop. Yellowcheek is also a great, easy climb to get from the Archey Fork Trailhead back to the
Stoneroller Trailhead.
Starting at
Stoneroller, follow doubletrack for 150 ft. until you see the trail take off into the woods on your right. The next quarter mile was built by dedicated volunteers and flows through nice forest until it pops out on the edge of a field and a bluff line overlooking the Archey Fork.
Continue on the trail through open grass fields and forest restoration sites on smooth trail with a few rock-armored creek crossings. Near the bottom, there are two nice berms before you pop out onto a road with beautiful views of bluff lines and the Archey Fork Valley.
Follow this dirt doubletrack to the left for a couple hundred feet to get to the Archey Fork Trailhead, day-use area, or campsites.
Shared By:
Mitchell Allen