Dogs Leashed
This is a fairly long run. There were some parts of the run where I could not tell where the trail was, nor which way I needed to go. Phone GPS to the rescue. You can turn this run into a difficult run with an easy cool down at the end, or one with an easy start that gets hard afterwards.
This is a fairly long run that I followed counter-clockwise. You can see it has a small somewhat vertical loop and a large somewhat horizontal loop. There were some parts of the run where I could not tell where the trail was, nor which way I needed to go. So once I moved a bit and saw the dot on my phone's GPS move toward or away from the marked route, I knew where I was.
It did not take long to get to another section of the trail that was clearly marked. The top half of the long horizontal loop was the easiest part of the run. Most of it was just running through the woods, and the trail was easy to follow. So if you want to do a difficult run with an easy cool down end, do this counter-clockwise. If you want an easy start, then get into a difficult run, do it clockwise.
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Carlos Larios