Dogs Leashed
Geological Significance · Historical Significance · Views
The trailhead area can be periodically closed due to grizzly activity. Check ahead.
Need to Know
Park pass required to stop in the parks (including day running). Even in July, late snow and ice can be present on the upper stretches of this trail. Poles or an ice axe can be helpful for safety while crossing steep snowy sections of trail.
Parking is free (park pass required) at the paved parking. Runners proceed to the signed trails of the Sir Donald, Asulkan Valley, and Perley Rock areas which all start from the ruins of Glacier House. Perley Rock runners proceed southeast on the main trail but branch off to the left (east) shortly.
After passing Meeting of the Waters, a viewpoint for Mount Sir Donald, the trail begins to climb through slide paths and forest to another branch. At this fork, runners to Mount Sir Donald go left while Perley Rock runners climb to the viewpoint atop Perley Rock and/or proceed further to the toe of the Illecillewaet Glacier.
Flora & Fauna
Forest, alpine flowers and meadows. Bears are probable as the area is frequented by grizzlies.
Shared By:
Kevin D.