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Need to Know
This is black bear, grizzly bear, and mountain lion territory- always carry bear spray!
If you're willing to make the drive to reach the trailhead (it takes a bit), take this short trail from the trailhead at the banks of Lake Elsina. you'll traversse through a mature pine forest with a relatively dense, but low-growing, understory. Several meadows dot the trail as you ascend and provide some variation in scenery.
Mount Henry Trail #196 can be taken about one mile onto the trail, which traverses upward to the northeast. Eventually you'll arrive above Lake Dinah's southwest shores which can be viewed with a nice backdrop of the distant Swan Range beyond. There are multiple campsites at both Lake Elsina and Lake Dinah if you plan to stay overnight.
Lake Dinah has a self-sustaining rainbow trout population (last stocked in 1941) and Lake Elsina has a self-sustining westslope cutthroat trout population (last stocked 1953) for interested anglers.
Flora & Fauna
Small mammals, birds, deer, elk
Shared By:
McCaide Wooten