Dogs No Dogs
Long Ridge Open Space Preserve is open from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after official sunset.
Need to Know
There are no services along this trail, so make sure you have plenty of water and snacks for your run.
Runner Notes
The trail is relatively free of obstacles until you get to the end where there are some downed trees. The trail is not heavily traveled, so it narrows in places as Mother Nature begins to take the trail back.
The Nutmeg Trail departs from the
Skyline to the Sea Trail roughly 0.3 miles from the parking area along Highway 9. The trail begins a gradual descent through an oak forest that offers obscured views of the mountains to the north. The width of the trail varies between a wide dirt trail to a narrow dirt track.
This is due to the trail being not heavily traveled and Mother Nature taking back the old trail. About a quarter mile into the run, the
Red Mountain Trail breaks off to the left and climbs uphill while the Nutmeg Trail continues it descent into the preserve.
Keep your eyes open, as you may notice an old car or other things left behind from the previous owners of the land. As the trail levels off, it comes to the park boundary. From here, the only option you have is to turn around and retrace your steps back uphill.
Flora & Fauna
You'll encounter plants and animals found in oak forests. Oak trees provide shade during the run. Ferns can be seen along the side of the trail. Deer and turkeys may be seen depending on the time of day that you are running. Mountain Lion warnings are posted throughout the preserve.
Shared By:
David Hitchcock