Dogs Unknown
This trail skirts the mountainous edge of Sitka's neighborhoods and will eventually link the ferry terminal to Sawmill Cove. One can get to the Cross Trail in several locations around town beginning south to north:
Indian River Trail, Baranof Street, Sitka High School, Kimsham Recreation Complex by Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School, Cascade Creek, and Kramer Ave.
The trail traverses the toe-slope of the mountains along the edge of Sitka's neighborhoods, and you'll see few houses along the trail. Many different ecosystems may be seen along the route, muskeg, forested wetlands, old growth timber and second growth forest. A beautiful bridge crosses spectacular waterfalls at Cascade Creek.
One can make a loop out of the many access points, and connect to climb Gavan Hill trail, go downtown to watch a parade, jog from ball field to ball field, or just get from one side of town to the other. Be aware of bicycle traffic and dogs should remain on the trail to protect the fragile muskeg and wetlands.
All failing boardwalk and slippery bridges have been replaced with a consistent 8 foot wide gravel tread that crosses streams with culverts instead of bridges where possible. The trail is mostly forested with a little open muskeg. Benches have been placed at regular intervals and scenic spots along the trail. It is the intention of the Trails Plan to complete this vital transportation link from end to end of the road system. Recent additions include a connector trail to Baranof Street and an extension to Kramer Drive. The trail corridor was cleared of trees specifically to allow adequate snow to fall on the trail for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in winter, and to give bicyclists better visibility around corners.
Begun in 1998, Sitka's Cross Trail was originally built by displaced loggers after Sawmill Cove sawmill shut down as a hiking trail. Since 2006 Sitka Trail Works has worked with the City and Borough of Sitka to convert the trail to a multimodal pathway with links to other trails and access to the local neighborhoods, visitor destinations, schools and the downtown core.
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Sitka Trail Works