Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Spring · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Need to Know
A red blazed trail runs through the middle of the yellow loop and connects to North Macon Park Road at the park entrance gate. This allows bikers to bypass the steep hills if they choose.
Runner Notes
Watch out for roots and slick boards on trail bridges.
The trailhead is accessed just past the Theron Ussery Park sign and before the community center on the right. The trail descends quickly down to a tributary of Sabbath Creek. The trail crosses the creek several times and loops at the north end of the tennis courts. Trail users can access the White Loop at the north end of the Yellow Loop. The White Loop continues for 0.4 miles behind the community center.
Flora & Fauna
Deer, squirrels, fish, wildflowers, Little Sweet Betsy Trilliums.
Shared By:
Matthew Smith