Dogs Leashed
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Need to Know
The second access point is at Devil's Lake. This can be reached by going about 6 kilometres along the Deep Bay Rd. (County Rd. 2) north of Moore Falls, and then turning left on to the Devil's Lake Rd. There is ample parking at the landing at Devil's Lake.
0.0 Parking lot at Devil's Lake. Just east of the parking area the trail leads west along a cottage road.
0.7 The trail turns left into the forest.
1.3 Deep ravine. Shinny down the cliff near a birch tree.
1.6 Cross over a beaver dam to get south of the lakes.
2.7 East arm of Sheldon Lake. The trail proceeds close to the lake to reach the north arm of Sheldon Lake.
3.6 Start of the portage route between Sheldon Lake and Devil's Lake. After a short distance, the trail turns west, off the portage trail, proceeds around the north shore of Sheldon Lake and follows an ATV trail to:
5.5 Petticoat Junction. End of Ganaraska Trail (Devil's Lake Section). This is where the access route from Devil's Lake meets the main trail,
Ganaraska Trail (Scrabble Mountain Section) and
Ganaraska Trail (Wolf Lake Section).
Shared By:
Ali Ryder