Dogs Leashed
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Need to Know
The Wilderness Section is accessible by public road at only four points. The first one is at Country Rd. and Hwy. 35 in the Village of Moore Falls. There is a grassy parking area just before a sign indicating that only cottage residents are allowed further. This is private land, and you should have a decal or newsletter on the dashboard to indicate you are a member. Overnight parking is NOT permitted. Do not take cars on the Black Lake Cottage Rd.
Km 0.0 Hwy. 35 and Country Rd. in Moore Falls.
0.1 A grassy area is on the left where Ganaraska Trail runners (only) can park a car. There is no overnight parking permitted. A sign indicates that the road is for cottage residents only. Proceed on foot along that road.
1.1 Turn right off Black Lake Cottage Road and make sure to follow the blazes and not run on the private cottage laneway immediately next to the trail.
2.9 A small stream with a beaver dam – Fairy Pond (mostly dried up). Past the beaver dam is a crossing over a creek at the top of a waterfall – Fairy Falls. Trail follows a faint path and then turns right, up a hill, goes over and past scenic rock formations, then comes down again. The trail proceeds in a northwesterly direction to the north end of Black Lake, where it comes to and follows a bush path that leads to:
6.3 Snowmobile bridge over Black Creek. The trail goes up the hill on the other loop and follows a snowmobile trail.
8.9 Scrabble Mountain, a beautiful view in all directions. Memorial marker for Aldie LeCraw, buried in Norland, who loved this area. He was a "jack of all trades" and operated a local hunt camp. According to Peter Verbeek, leaving a coin at the memorial will ensure that you'll come back here one day.
9.6 A left turn into a deep ravine and out again. Trail goes in a northerly direction through gently undulating forest.
11.3 Snowmobile bridge over a deep gully. Trail follows snowmobile trail in a northerly direction.
13.3 Portage trail between Sheldon Lake and Cooney Lake.
13.8 Petticoat Junction. End of Ganaraska Trail (Scrabble Mountain Section), start of the
Ganaraska Trail (Wolf Lake Section).
Junction with the trail coming from
Ganaraska Trail (Devil's Lake Section). There are direction signs attached to trees.
Shared By:
Ali Ryder