Dogs Leashed
Commonly Backpacked · Views · Wildlife
Continued from
Ganaraska Trail (Devil's Lake Section) or
Ganaraska Trail (Scrabble Mountain Section).
Km 13.8 Head north-northwest into open scrubland before going west, then south, through the woods, to avoid a swamp north of Cooney Lake, and reach the portage trail between Cooney Lake and Peter's Pond.
17.2 Trail turns north from the portage into the bush and parallels the north shore of Peter's Pond and Victoria Lake.
19.0 Trapper's cabin. There are a couple of good tent spots here near the shore. The terrain north of Victoria Lake is the most rugged and strenuous in the Wilderness Section.
20.7 Cross the Head River over a very long beaver dam. This is a large river crossing at the outlet of the Head River and Wolf Lake. Beavers have historically moved their dam from time to time, if it is impassable, try the old beaver dam approximately 500 metres upstream on the Head River. The trail crosses a conspicuous pine-clad isthmus between Victoria and Wolf Lakes, then generally follows the south shore of Wolf Lake, moving inland a few times to avoid swamps.
23.9 The trail turns west and follows a faint snowmobile trail again, skirts the north shore of Freshette Lake before heading to Loon Lake.
26.4 Loon Lake. End of Wolf Lake Section, start of Black River Section. The north end of Loon Lake is about halfway between Devil's Lake and Victoria Bridge and is an excellent camping spot. There is a cairn under a large rock, containing a register for people to sign.
Then begins a long winding course around beaver ponds, lakes and swamps:
Ganaraska Trail (Black River Section).
Shared By:
Ali Ryder