Dogs Leashed
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Sharp-shinned hawk – small with narrow tail and short rounded wings
Cooper's hawk – larger than sharp-shinned with trail rounded a tip
Northern goshawk – larger and greater than above two species
Red-tailed hawk – rufous tail on adult
Red-shouldered hawk – heavy dark bands. Best identified by its call kee-yer
Broad-winged hawk – usually heard first – a high pitched pweeeeeeeeeeeee. Black tail bands are about the same width as the Whyte bands.
Bald eagle – adult male has white head and tail
Golden eagle – use a good field guide to identify from immature birds of either species
Osprey smaller than Bald eagle. Flies with an angle in the wing. Hovers over water
Turkey vultures – large black soaring bird with 6' wing span. Adult has red head without feathers.
American Kestrel (Sparrow Hawk) - Small colourful hawk
Merlin (Pigeon Hawk) - Suggests a miniature Peregrine Falcon. Nest ins the pine trees. Quite noisy.
Peregrine Falcon - similar to Merlin but o
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Ali Ryder