Dogs Unknown
Geological Significance · Historical Significance · River/Creek · Waterfall · Wildlife
Need to Know
There isn't a fee for parking, but donations are appreciated.
This road/ trail starts from the parking area off Route 20 and heads southward. It coincides with the
Sanderson Brook Falls Trail, until the spur turns off towards the falls. It passes by the
H. Newman Marsh Trail (on the left) and continues straight. It crosses over into Blandford, just above the falls.
Shortly, after passing a gate, there's a remnant chimney stack (on the right); this chimney might be the remains of the CCC Lodge. The CCC Ski Trail leaves from the left, but the road continues southwest. The road dead-ends at a broken bridge, but can be reached by a small trail that skirts along the brook. When you reach the other side of the brook, re-connect with the main road, again. The road/ trail passes by a stone well with a dead tree sticking out of it (on the left). The trail begins to climb and continues until it reaches the
Volcanic Crater Trail (on the right).
While Sanderson
Brook Road does continue on, this is already at the boundary of the Chester - Blandford State Forest. Continuing on would take you through private property, so it's probably best to end the run, here.
Flora & Fauna
Flora: Wild Sarsaparilla, Red Trillium, Tamarack, Eastern
Fauna: Black Flies, Flycatchers, Red-Backed Salamanders.
Geological Interest: Quartz, Garnets, Schist or Gneiss, Smokey Quartz, Quartzite, Black Tourmaline(?), Mica.
Shared By:
David Smith