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The access road has been known to flood; check before you go. Mousetail Landing is always an alternate.
Need to Know
Good places to eat in Linden and Lobelville, depending on from which way you come. If you're approaching from the east and come up Lick Creek Road, watch carefully for the large (securely gated!) entrance to Lick Creek Cave, right next to the highway.
Featured in Robert Brandt's classic "Middle Tennessee On Foot", this trail (generally referred to as 'Ladyfinger Bluff') is a bona fide Tennessee classic. From the trailhead, the path meanders west along the embayment for Lick Creek, twists and turns through two subsequent steep and rocky hollows before finally climbing a final slope to emerge at the bluff. The view from here is breathtaking: across the Tennessee River to the west is the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge...a pair of binoculars is definitely recommended here, as is--of course--a camera. If you're really lucky, you'll have a float of barges pass in review below you! It's the perfect place for a picnic, and your nature-made benches and tables might well contain fossils.
Flora & Fauna
Plenty of birds, especially waterfowl...ducks and geese and herons. Gorgeous colors in the fall.
Shared By:
Jim Reyome