Dogs Unknown
Birding · Commonly Backpacked · Geological Significance · Views · Wildflowers
You'll need to register and pay for a small fee for entry.
Some access is limited to groups with guides
Need to Know
You'll need to pay for a small fee for entry.
Also be prepared for the Limatik leeches. They don't carry any diseases, but they will ask for blood donations. 'To-go' salt and pepper packs can be helpful to deal with them. Use the salt to detach the leech and then the pepper to counteract their anti-coagulant so that you don't keep bleeding.
The trail starts through a pine-covered forest.
As you ascent, the surroundings changed to mossy landscapes.. Birds moved between branches, and their sounds mixed with the rustle of leaves in the breeze. The air gradually cooled, and the ground turned into a mossy surface.
Moving past the mossy part, we entered open grasslands. A clear path cut through the greenery, guiding us toward the summit. Campsites along the way provided spots to rest and share stories.
With each step upwards, the air became thinner, making us more aware of our surroundings. The landscape kept changing—a mix of peaks and valleys extending into the distance. Laughter and shared moments among fellow climbers provided a subtle backdrop.
Finally, the summit came into view—a clear crest against the sky. Below, clouds covered the land like a blanket. We, now silent observers of the scene, took in the sense of accomplishment.
Flora & Fauna
Fauna include Philippine Deer, Cloud Rats, Philippine Pygmy Fruit Bat, Philippine Tarsier, and the Himalayan Striped Squirrel.
The flora includes Benguet Pine (Pinus kesiya), Dwarf Bamboo (Yushania niitakayamensis), Rhododendrons, Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) and Edelweiss (Anaphalis philippinensis).
Shared By:
Russell Hobart