11.5 mi — 2h 20m
I ran up Kamikaze trail and down Mt. Teneriffe trail to make a loop. If you fo up Kamikaze, prepare for 2.5k of gain in 1.5 miles. Killer climb.
2.6 mi — 45m
No snow at all. Amazing views. Be cautious of road conditions and avoid FS 5601 at all costs. That was a total nightmare.
8 mi — 1h 45m
Caught the wildflower bloom. Went up Augspurger and down the outer loop leg of Dog Mountain. Amazing stuff.
16.4 mi — 3h 30m
Ran it to Table Mountain. Was fantastic. Be prepared to scramble for Dog.
14 mi — 2h 50m
Still reeling from the Eagle Creek Fire. Be very careful. Amazing and challenging run.
14 mi — 2h 0m
Added Holders Knob to bump up the mileage. Slightly muddy as it was raining the night prior.
2h 0m
No snow, clean path. The top is always difficult, but still runnable if you are careful.
2h 0m
Lots of attendants on Sunday morning. Always a great, challenging run.
11.6 mi — 1h 30m
Make sure to wear your trail runners as the snow gets relatively deep around 3 miles into the run. Otherwise fantastic run.