goregeous but signs at trailhead indicate not dog friendly as an FYI
5.8 mi — 59m
beautiful run and while it says no dogs allowed loads of dogs, which I always love to see but was sad that I left my pup at home.
4 mi
fun trail with 1 mile steep climb at the knset. not sure how I missed the spur but my run ended up being 4 miles. too bad at the beginning so many…
6 mi
Muddy for the first. 5, bur goregeous and mile 2-3 to the falls was packed snow and gorgeous!
great views, but about a mile in at the top it was pretty icy to continue the loop to cow pies
7 mi
Warm day before the storm, not as muddy as I thought it would be but a fair amount of down on the trail after mile 2. Enjoy it!