8.7 mi — 1h 37m
Overall nice, solitary run with only two other groups spotted on a Thurs afternoon. Trail signage is poor and maintenance on trail itself bad in spots
7.4 mi
Great conditions and, per usual, almost nobody after the second mile. Still curious why this route is listed as a 7 miler. You could go much farther.
7.7 mi
Needs a few navigation notes. Biggest: to cross hall creek you have to continue up trail and to left to take the BIG bridge overhead.
7.3 mi — 1h 54m
First half mile to mile is very rocky but it's awesome after that. Elevation gain here seems low - I hit 1,319 according to my watch. Saw fox and elk.
6.1 mi — 1h 16m
Very hot during this heat wave with no exposure. Bring water! Trailhead was also slammed by 9am on Saturday.
6.3 mi — 1h 20m
Great, but hot, run in the afternoon. Didn't realize the odd/even days stuff only appears to apply to the rest of the trails on this system.